Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Spore Creature Creator

Spore is the brainchild of Will Wright- the man behind one of the best-selling video game franchises ever, The Sims. Players begin the game as a small microbe trying to absorb other microbes and eat food. As it grows into a full creature, the player can design the creature and watch it react and adapt to its environment. The game goes from this small, molecular level to a level in which civilizations of creatures are interacting with others. It's received a lot of hype, and it's due out this September. The Spore Creature Creater is a pre-release utility for the game, giving players access to the design utility of the game, which has been pushed to its limits to create many familiar characters. I have to say, these are impressive. Some of my favorites:

Master Chief:


Yoshi(this guy did the eyes really well):
Creation Detail
A house(2D genius):
Creation Detail
Big Daddy:
Creation Detail
Mario Star:
Creation Detail
Pikachu(this one's pretty good):
Creation Detail
Ice cream!
Creation Detail
While we're still on pokemon... Celebi:
Creation Detail

A goomba:

Creation Detail
The Cloverfield Monster:
Creation Detail

And my favorite creation, a breadstick:
Creation Detail

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